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How to prepare for a tarot card reading?

Writer's picture: Tarot Mamta Tarot Mamta

New experiences or reliving an experience after a considerable gap are quite daunting yet exciting; there is a degree of newness, marginal scepticism lumped together with pre-existing expectations from the experience. Moreover, drawing lessons from the same - it’s an established pattern.

what to expect from a tarot card reading

Seeking guidance through tarot still remains a relatively unconventional experience for a fair percentage of the demographic, more so due to prejudice tied to prominent tarot cards together with a knowledge gap on the questions a seeker may put forth to the cards. To start with, here’s a blueprint on what you should ask Tarot. It covers an example of the real-time situation and Tarot FAQs to familiarise yourself with what a tarot reading with Tarot Mamta will entail. In this piece, I will address what a tarot reading is packaged with, guidance you can expect to receive and possible remedies suggested through interpreting the cards.

A 30-minute or 60-minute session is a confidential online or in-person consultation with me shedding divination-led insight on issues that are of concern to you. My cards will guide you to the best of my abilities and help foresee an outcome which awaits you, the energies that can assist you towards realising objectives you seek to derive from the reading. At your end, a set of questions would greatly help chart the course of the tarot session. I would strongly advice making notes in order for you to further draw inferences from.

There are a range of topics that querents turn to the tarot for: Love, Health, Career, Relationships, Education and Yearly Forecast to name a few. While readers are expected to share their knowledge and use their intuition to best guide their clients, it might be a tricky subject of conversation on the reader and client’s end where expectations are concerned.

Ideally, clients must have three core expectations from a tarot reading while tarot readers must feel obliged to deliver on the following client expectations.

● Clarity on the situation through the power of energies exchanged during a virtual or in-person tarot session.

● Being receptive to the guidance of Tarot Cards and placing the trust in the reader’s abilities by shedding any inhibitions towards the practice.

● A perspective from the cards that a seeker can likely alter to their liking by means of tarot spells and remedies - tarot spells are not malicious in nature to any of the parties involved. I will further delve into tarot remedies for the remainder of this blogpost with examples.

Tarot, contrary to its belief, is not a mixed blessing as the prediction or rather interpretation of cards is not set on stone - the main purpose of tarot is to act as a roadmap to draw lessons from the past, gain a better understanding of current circumstances and plan wisely for the immediate future. Since readings are not absolute, readers offer a range of tarot spells to combat an outcome that their client may deem unpleasant. These spells and customised spreads tend to be themed on finding love, attracting wealth and career progression.

For instance, a seeker may not align with a tarot reading as the cards reveal that a current relationship has a slim chance to materialise into a commitment. The comprehensive True Love tarot spell-spread is advised for those keen on aligning their partner with mutual end goals. This spread fosters communication between the two and ignites passion into a seeming lull relationship. For singletons, this spread uses your date of birth and photograph to assess your expectations and directs singles to attract love into their lives.

My Instagram content is representative of a variety of spells and tarot spreads that I’ve devised to guide you towards culminating your set aim(s) and desires into a reality.

Tarot is an in-depth practice that works towards materialising short, medium and long-term goals. Get in touch to seek guidance from the cards: +65 9749 9287 or email: To stay in touch with our latest developments, follow us on Instagram and Facebook. To learn tarot, check out our courses.


1 Comment

Rose Walter
Rose Walter
Aug 13, 2021

I have sent money to Ghana,Nigeria,South Africa and Togo,still no result,they only took all my money and nothing happens. I begin to loose hope and interest in spell work until a friend introduce me to met someone who truly wish to help and he gave me great result,he is Indian and believe it when you hear Indians are good with spells. Am glad to share this with you because i made him this promise too share this anyway i can and i also hope you be able get in touch with him for your spell work and expect great result,he cast many types of spell,but i only made a love binding spell and i got my expected res…

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